Friday, June 02, 2006

Deadwood Fucks Up Flatter Than Hammered Shit

C'mon Deadwood! You can't rely on gambling and history and HBO shows to maintain your popularity! You gotta do something crazy, something unbelievably stupid and dangerous. Yeah, like sponsoring an event where Bison run at people in your downtown. Perfect!

I say you take that promoter's idea to have a Pamplona like "running with the Bison" and go to town!

I have seen Bison up close and personal. It's scary, and this could have been a huge event. And almost certainly, someone would have been very badly hurt, or possibly killed. Which is what I look for in my nutty psuedo-sports involving large animals.

I suppose the suprisingly operatically named Mayor said it best, though:

"I'm convinced they could have carried it out without incident," Mayor Francis Toscana said Thursday after the City Commission voted 4-1 against the proposal this week. "But if there had been an incident, we'd really be hanging out there."

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