Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Scots Drop The Caber on the Fucking Norsemen

The Luther Norsemen? Really? Dollars to doughnuts they decided that "Vikings" was insensitive or some such bullshit.

And they got what they had coming, with the Macalester Fightin' Scotsmen dropping the hated, hated, hated (wow, really hated) Luther Norseman 2-0 on late goals from Mike Blythe and Jake Rocke.

The Mac Women kicked around the Luther Norseladies for 120 minutes, outshooting them 28-2, and garnering 19 corner kicks to Luther's 2. I can only assume that Annie Borton and Grace King were slightly off their games, otherwise, all evidence points to this being an absolute fucking rout. You got lucky, "Women" of Luther!

The Assassin of Snelling Avenue will not be denied long! Nor will the Linch Pin!

Update: Apologies to Garwood and everyone else who was left not knowing for certain what the final score was. 0-0 is your final.

I almost feel bad for their next opponent, the rather hapless St. Mary's. Enjoy your fiery deathtrap, ladies!

1 comment:

Garwood B. Jones said...

what was the score of the women's game? i'm left to infer 0-0 but I don't know. nice reporting, jackass.