Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tom Brady Swears, Hates American Culture

Details Magazine (which apparently still exists?) let me know that they are publishing a profile by Jonathan Miles on QB and Housewife Masturbation Enhancer Tom Brady. They suggested some salient points that you may be interested in. But there's a quote from the writer that is going to haunt me for awhile, and so why should it not haunt you, too?

From the article: "With his cleft-chinned, lantern-jawed, comic-book-hero face and dandyish flair for style, Brady is no stranger to the modeling life, to the tinsel of high fashion. Sure, Peyton Manning gets his picture snapped once in a while, but God forbid anyone ask him to flash his bedroom eyes."

Now, go ahead--imagine Peyton Manning making bedroom eyes. Go ahead, do it. Thank you, Details Magazine.

Also shocking: Tom Brady swears! But what about his cleft-chin and comic-book hero face? That's like saying Adam West swears! But it is true. Here's the proof, offered by the PR guy who let me know about the article. I have to say, I do like Brady's take on how life is lived versus how it is perceived it "should" be.

- On football and his relationship with Bill Belichick: “Sometimes, during practice, you throw a bad ball—that’s the way it goes. But the video comes up and [Belichick] says, ‘Brady, you can’t complete a goddamn hitch.’ And I’ll be sitting there thinking, I’m a fucking nine-year veteran, I’ve won three goddamn Super Bowls—he can kiss my…”

- On life and having a child out of wedlock: “That’s not how you envisioned your life, that’s not how you envisioned having children, but it happens. Life is not living in the suburbs with a white picket fence. That not life. Somehow our American culture has made it out that that’s what life needs to be—and that if it’s not that, it’s all screwed up. It’s not. You go through life and you try the best you can.”

1 comment:

Jess said...

A penis head with bedroom eyes? I think my brain just melted.

Thanks sooooooo much, Big Blue Monkey.