Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Night Football Drinking Game That Will Kill You

Take a drink every time Jon Gruden starts a sentence with "That guy" or "This guy". Have 911 on the speed dial, because I reckon you are probably looking at 100+ pulls.

Someone needs to get in a room with Gruden and teach him some other words he can use.


Andrew Wice said...

He's like a kid up there ... in the booth.

Muumuuman said...

You'd have to tone down "1 drink" to more of a molecular quantity, like a drink containing one molecule of ethanol. You'd still a nice buzz, as I think "This guy" was stated ~ 6.022 x 10^23 times giving you a good 46 grams of pure alcohol, or about 46 mL (1.5 shots equivalent to about 4 shots regular hard alcohol.

Big Blue Monkey 2: The Quickening said...

Muumuuman, just because you are a Genuine Scientician doesn't mean you can sneak in Avogadro's Constant whenever you want.

Muumuuman said...

Ok, Let's say Big Blue monkey was concealed in box and forced to engage in his MNF Gruden drinking game. Could we tell for sure whether he was alive at the end of the game without looking inside the box?

Big Blue Monkey 2: The Quickening said...

You also can't sneak Schroedinger's Cat by me, you bastard.