Saturday, January 12, 2008

30 Rock: Please Come Back Soon

Cave in, you stupid Media Suits! You Donaghys! Here's the finale from Thursday, in case some of you were unaware that there was one last 30 Rock. I can't really explain some of the callbacks you'll see--but: 1) Kenneth referred to bagels as Jewish Doughnuts, and Liz Lemon tried to buy an apartment in a co-op that ended badly, and she treated it like a break-up with a fella. (Really do try to see the episode in all its glory--I thought it brilliant). Also, Jack has insisted that Gladys Knight sing on the show, as a gift to his girlfriend.

Quick note: Tina Fey has been getting a lot of richly deserved love/lust from the nerd community. But can we not all agree that Jane Krakowski is also super hot and super funny?

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