Friday, June 15, 2007

Out and Loving It!

Upon the Big BM's intelligent counsel, I've decided to drop my incredibly witty moniker (nee Badcock) and offer up my real name. I wanted to go for "The Artist Formerly Known As Badcock" but Big BM said :(

In case all y'all hadn't heard, my smokin' hot novel To the Last Drop has just been accepted for publication. It's a small press and I need to hustle my sweet, sweet can to promote this baby. Using my real name (and for some reason, Big BM wanted me to link everyone to my checking account as well) is a really low-cost way of getting my weird beard out there.

So please check out (though it's still under construction) for updates and your chance to have a free all-weather vinyl sticker of your very own.

Here's a photo of me, for all you pervs out there:

Here's a published haiku:

The moon is
a fingernail clipped too close,
tent a-whipcrack in the wind

Here's a photo of a tiny baby Japanese monkey:


Jerious Norwood said...

Hey congratulations on your new found liberation. And another upside is that all the repugnant shit that we bandy about on this site is sure to cost you untold opportunities down the road. Wice! What did I tell you about honesty?!? I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

Garwood B. Jones said...

That's the most shameful attempt to get included in the Ladies hot blogger contest I've ever seen, Wice. Isn't it enough that Tom thinks you're hot? He gave you a 9 when you posted that same picture at

Seriously though, congrats on the book, is there a galley copy or something we can read? I like you and all but I can't see myself paying to read your stuff...

Jerious Norwood said...

Wait were we supposed to pay? Money? Jesus, he's not even a real Jew.

Brad said...

He'll be a mid-major in the hot blogger tourney over at GuysGuysGuys...

Fix the link to your book site. I'm thinking the quotation marks are causing you problems...

Jerious Norwood said...

brad, are you being ironic again?

Andrew Wice said...

Brad: the site is under construction (i.e. I am a bartender and haven't had time) so it should redirect you to my sad myspace site, for the time being.

Garwood: kiss me, darling.

No-Wood: you know you'll always be my favorite tiny baby Japanese ironic monkey

Jess said...

The Artist Formerly Known as Badcock is in serious whoring mode. I got not one, but THREE stickers in the mail today.

And I still have no Jebus statue.

Also, *wolf whistle*.

Andrew Wice said...

FREE all-weather vinyl stickers are still available for a limited time.

Or join the deluxe level of membership, and receive a handful of my used knickers every two weeks.