Monday, August 20, 2007

Vick! Vick! Vick! - but lets not talk about this-

This is a so called "special needs school" that hooks children, as young as 9, up to electrodes fueled by a 10 pound battery backpack they have to carry all day. If they act up they are shocked. Sounds like a clockwork orange kind of a place, but only six children have died over it's 36 year history - not bad eh? But that Vick - suspend him he's some kind of monster!


Andrew Wice said...

I never knew juvenile detention could be so electrifying a topic. Ha!

Get it?

Andrew Wice said...
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Garwood B. Jones said...

Uhh... I fail to see the immediate linkage. Vick is some kind of monster and deserves to be suspended and go to jail. If any of the administrators at this school happen to be playing in the NFL, they ought to be suspended as well.

Muumuuman said...

Uhhh.. the school is still operating and has been for quite some time. My point is that the public attention and outrage for Vick's criminal behaivor is huge, but in the mean time no one gives a shit about a school that shocks children. Yes, Vick killed some dogs which is bad, but there are much, much worse things going on for years that do not receive any media attention.

Muumuuman said...

I'd also like to add, what was Vick thinking?

"Wow, I've achieved my lifelong dream of playing in the NFL, now what to do with all my money... I know! I've always respected those who run dog fighting rings - I'll get involved in that!"

Dude, buy a fuckin' Bentley, or if you want to make some money call P-diddy and ask him how to wisely invest your money. In fact, I think the NFL should sit down all rookies and have P-diddy tell them how to handle thier cash. Maybe even a full panel consisting of P-diddy, Oprah, Cosby, and Jordan.

Cosby: "You see here, financing a dog fighting ring is like taking a pudding pop and sticking it square up your ass..."

Now I've become hypocritical because Vick's race may be an issue, and by suggesting an all black panel to help young rookies wisen up assumes only african americans are having trouble. So let us replace Jordan with Tiger Woods.

Jerious Norwood said...

Won't someone please think of the children?!? Specifically, where does their personal responsibility come into play? Or are we just supposed blame the boogie man every time abuse gets legitimated and institutionalized?

Andrew Wice said...

I agree with Jerious Norwood. Personal responsibility is becoming rare in today's modern era. Rather than looking to blame the institutions, mores and culture, perhaps victims of "abuse" ought to consider their role as ennablers/co-dependents in a "shame cycle."

In other words, when Mike Vick tells you to sit, you better sit.

yippee yo, yippee yay