Wednesday, August 29, 2007

From the AP game notes of the Twins/Indians game last night...

"The sixth-inning Hot Dog Race ended with the Ketchup contestant splattering a young girl who was holding the finish tape. She got up and appeared to be uninjured."

Can anyone tell me what 'splattering' means in this context? I'm a sick, sick man and even I'm disturbed by my mental picture.


Jess said...

Oh, the ketchup just ran into her and knocked her down. "Splattering" really isn't the best word to use. I would have used "flattened."

Big Blue Monkey said...

Also, the AP is either having a bit of fun, or they are just bad reporters. The girl got up, and pretended to beat the stuffing out of the ketchup bottle, while laughing the entire time.

"Appeared uninjured" indeed.

also, Garwood, thank you for somehow making an innocent ketchup bottle splattering/flattening sound disgusting and illicit.

Andrew Wice said...

While she appeared uninjured, she was later treated for crabs.