Thursday, April 17, 2008

ABC News, Ya'll Bitches

I didn't comment on the debate on this here space, because I didn't want to, because it was so angryifying. One hour of bullshit in a prime time debate? Thanks Chuck and George.

But do enjoy this package of bullshit.


Muumuuman said...

A side note on the unbeleivably horrible state of journalism is the unbelievably horrible state of voter decision making. I heard on local public radio an interview with a Pennsylvania voter:

Reporter: So, given the choice between Obama and McCain, who would you vote for?

Pennsylvania Voter: I'd vote for McCain.

R: Why McCain?

PV: Well uh... I'd vote for McCain I just can't vote for Obama.

R: But why?

RV: Well, my job takes me to Indonesia sometimes, and Obama grew up in Indonesia, and them Indonesians don't like Americans so I'd vote for McCain...

Lucy Rhode said...

Have a bit of faith in our fellow voters, please. Change can happen. Five months ago, my grandmother said she'd never vote for a woman -- not even for me.

Last week she announced she'd reconsidered. She is willing to vote for me. Alas, my political aspirations are far humbler than POTUS.