Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm Younger than Cuonzo Martin!


Good Hire by Missouri State. Martin will teach those guys how to hit crazy ass 3's all day long.


Jess said...

I'd forgotten about Cuonzo Martin. Good for him.

I was taken aback for a moment last night during the Wolves game when they mentioned Bobby Jackson is 35. It seems like just yesterday that we were in college.

Muumuuman said...

Alcohol makes you forget the passage of time, and often stupid things you do or say. Sweet alcohol.....

Jess said...

Alcohol really is awesome, isn't it?

Big Blue Monkey said...

You poor misguided bastards. When will you learn that Fun is Fun, and you don't need alchohol to enjoy a good Cock Fight?

Big Blue Monkey said...

I'm barely managing to ignore the whole idea of forgetting about Cuonzo Martin. Why not forget about Randolph Childress while you are at it? Or Scotty Thurmond?

You make me sick, Jess.

Jess said...

I didn't actually forget him. I just hadn't thought about him in ages. You know, it's not easy keeping all the great Big Ten players I saw in the Barn in the forefront of my mind at all times.

Now I think I need some alcohol to ease the sting of you yelling at me.